Wednesday, July 1, 2015



A shield protects. So as a physical shield protects physically, the shield of fait protects us spiritually, even in the midst of trials.

Faith in the Blood of Jesus is our first defensive shield against the accuser of the bretheren (Zechariah 3:1-5).

Faith in Jesus Christ is our shield against the attacks of the enemy. When he tries to put doubt and unbelief, worry and anxiety in our minds, we can block it with our shield of faith! We must know the promises of God, which will increase our faith. Every flaming arrow of doubt, pride, despair, depressions, hatred, and fear from the enemy is to try to drive a wedge between the saints of God and the Savior. 

When Satan tries to attach our minds, our hearts, our bodies and our finances, we need to have a shield that covers us. That is our faith/hope in God and all of His promises to us. Satan will attach any area he can reach and if he can't get to you, he will try your spouse, if you're married, and your children if you are a parent. You MUST have a shield big enough to protect everything that God has made you responsible for, including yourself, your family, your home, your finances, and everything God has committed to you. 

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