Wednesday, July 8, 2015



Satan works to capture your mind. The actions of the body start from the mind. So your head is the prime target in warfare. If Satan can corrupt your mind, fill it with unbelief, and sinful thoughts, he can redirect you from the way of the Lord. So, in effect, we are talking about a helmet that protects our minds.

The protection for the heart is faith. The protection for the head is hope; hope in Christ. Hope is a steady expectation of good based on the promises of God's Word. 

We are to cover our minds with the salvation of Christ, setting our minds on things eternal, not worldly. Satans blows to the head are to affect the believers security and assurance in Christ. Hope is an optimistic attitude that always chooses to see the best and will not give way to depression, doubt, and self pity. 

"And we know that all things work together for the good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

We can receive tremendous hope and comfort if we focus on Christ's ultimare sacrifice for us that we are saved and now have an eternal home in the kingdom of heaven. This hope works like a helmet to protect our minds from the discouragement and despair in this world.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your posts. Thank you for sharing your faith and thoughts!
