Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Twilight Zone


(February 2014)

Today was really weird. I can't really explain how I've been feeling except that I have been overcome with emotion. It actually started yesterday but it was even more prevalent today. I felt like I just needed God. Very overwhelming; because I didn't really know what to call the emotion or what to do with it. It was as if the atmosphere within me had changed. I almost just wanted to be alone and cry out to God, though it wasn't a sad feeling. More like needing to be nearer.

I have decided to spend my quiet time with God in my bedroom. There are too many distractions when I sit and read/study at my dining room table. I figure this way I can really have more "quiet time" and not be distracted by my household noises (TV, conversations, etc.). So, if I want to cry or praise the lord, I can do it without the presence of others.

I don't want to get too overwhelmed or too emotional but there is so much about God that I want to learn that I just want to constantly take in all He has to offer in His Word. I just feel like I don't want to be so focused on learning so much at one time that I'm not truly focused and retaining the information and learning what it is God wants to teach me. 

I want to work on being a better person every day. Being better to me means learning to live by the principles of God and learning to hear from Him and obey His Word in all things. I want a more intimate relationship with God. I want to walk in the purpose God has made me for. I don't really have a clue what that is right now. It could be something He has already giving me responsibility for, like being a mother or a wife, or it could be something He is still preparing me for. Whatever it is I want to do it with the love and direction of God.

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