Saturday, April 11, 2015

Mustard Seed Faith

"If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'move from here to there,' and it will move; nothing will be impossible for you." -Matthew 17:20

If I can do it on my own, with my own resources, it does not require faith in God to do it for me. I first, though, need to be sure that God has told me to do a thing before I can have faith that He will do it.

Sometime during the month of August 2013, we had a large bill (according to our income) we needed to pay. I felt that the Lord was telling me that He would make it possible for us to pay the bill within the next 3 months. I then, prayed the following prayer:

"Lord, you have told us that you will make it possible for us to pay this bill off in 3 months. That would require us to pay $1,000, a month toward the bill. I cannot see that we are able to do this on our own. This requires faith in You to make this happen. We put our faith in You this day to have it come to pass."

Not many days following this prayer, things were looking pretty dire. I started to think that maybe I had misunderstood what the Lord said. I allowed Satan to get in my head and make me doubt what I knew God said and what I knew was possible if He said it. But, that's how the devil works. He wants us to be confused and doubtful in hopes that we will give up.

On September 1, 2013, we had not made one payment and things were looking even more bleak. I prayed: "Lord, please give me confirmation that you are leading us to pay this bill in 3 months. I do not want to be outside of your will and try to do this on our own." I never received additional confirmation. When God told me the first time, that was my confirmation.

During the first week of January 2014, other resources were threatened because of this outstanding bill which we still had not been able to make a single payment on. I started strategizing ways that I could "make this happen" and get the bill paid. Once I thought I had the plan all figured out I felt conviction in my spirit and immediately went into prayer asking for forgiveness. I decided that I would not try to do God's work for Him (as if I could anyway) and continue to muster up the little bit of faith I felt I still had at the time.

God showed up in our situation the very next day and provided a way for us to pay the entire bill in full immediately!

I'm sure there are several lessons to be learned here. For me, I built some faith muscle! I know that God is the same God yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) so if I encounter similar experiences in the future, I know that if He came through for us before, He can do it again!

What do you think is a valuable lesson that can be learned through this experience?

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